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(6.8 x age) For women: 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.7 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age) Example : male, 90kg, 180cm, 30 years BMR = 66 + (13.7 x 90) + (5 x 180) - (6.8 x 30) = 66 + 1233 + 900 - 204 = 1995 Step 2. Determination of daily physical acti Paravex Male Enhancement vity (selected value is multiplied by BMR) Daily physical activity (select one of the following ranges if there is no perfect match, choose the closest) 1.0 - sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise 1.2 - work sitting, sports activities at the minimum level (walk) 1.4 - sitting job training + 1 - 2 times a week 1.6 - not the physical work + Training (moderate activity - the majority of people fall into this category) 1.8 - manual work + training 5 times a week 2.0 - hard physical work + daily workout Example : male, 90kg, 180cm, 30 years, physical activity = 1.6 BMR x 1.6 = 1995 x 1.6 =


muscle mass, is: Protein - 30% of 3492kcal = 1047.6 4 = day 261,9g Carbohydrates - 50% of 3492kcal = 1746 4 = 436,5g day Fat - 20% of 3492kcal = 698.4 9 = 77,6g day Distribution of macronutrients for meals . In the previous section were c Paravex Male Enhancement
alculated the exact amount of macronutrients we should consume "exemplary man" in order to gain muscle mass. The last step is to determine the amount of each macronutrient (B, W and T) into individual meals a day. The number of meals should not be less than 5 a


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